Qualitätssicherung für digitale Lehrmittel

The range of digital teaching aids (apps, platforms, digital media) is large and constantly growing. This also opens up new doors for learning and teaching. For example, the possibility of making lessons asynchronous and allowing everyone to learn at their own pace. However, maintaining an overview and choosing the right one is increasingly becoming a challenge for teachers given the growing range of options.

Textbooks are subject to scrutiny, but what about learning apps? Who checks and provides information about the quality of digital support in the classroom? How do I find my way through the jungle of offers? How do I know whether these offers correspond to the curriculum and meet the requirements in terms of content, didactics and subject matter? Since 2021, the OeAD - Agency for Education and Internationalization has been certifying digital mobile learning applications on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and the Innovation Foundation for Education.

The quality-assured digital learning offers are bundled on an online platform. The focus is on offers for use in group settings that support asynchronous, independent learning. Here, too, we involve those who work with the materials in the development process: namely teachers who participate in the corresponding peer review process.

In addition, we are providing an incentive for EdTech companies and other developers of digital teaching and learning offerings to focus more on asynchronous, independent learning and to develop new digital products for teaching and school operations.